The Hughes & Associates team is comprised of individuals who have both the professional expertise and broad experience to address today’s multi-faceted, real property and ownership/investment issues. An estate settlement, for example, may necessitate addressing real property and business valuation issues through the process of mediation. Our dedicated team includes:

land economist (PLE)

business analyst (MBA)

urban planning and development specialist ( M.A. Urban Development & Planning)

property valuator ( AACI/ Canada and SRPA / U.S.A. )

property investment analyst (Finance, Estate and Trust Administration)

professional mediator (member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada)

professional business report writer (English and Journalism)

Hughes & Associates provides effective documentation that serves as a critical link between our team of professional advisors and our clients. Our reports are either written or edited by a professional business report writer who has extensive knowledge of the subject material.


Joey Hughes, B.A., M.A. (Urban Development and Planning) has a background in English and Journalism, 25-years experience in writing property and business related reports, and is a senior partner with Hughes & Associates. Typical reports for which she has been responsible include:

partial interest evaluations with respect to air rights, water rights, and easements

relocation and decommissioning studies for railroad lands

feasibility studies on major development land parcels, office/commercial and shopping centre    development projects, research facilities, and industrial complexes

land use and value impact studies involving landfill sites, high voltage overhead transmission lines    (HVOTLs), and communication towers

special purpose property reports on cemeteries, water lots and aggregate operations

Hughes & Associates has achieved a reputation for providing clear, concise, and well documented reports illustrated by graphics, photographs and detailed supporting evidence. Our comprehensive reports provide a sound basis for both private and public sector decision-making.

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