Problem Solving

In spite of sound initial investment strategies and efficient on-going management, changes in prevailing market conditions can cause problems for both domestic and international property investors, At Hughes & Associates we have a four-point approach to mitigating the impact of such problems:
  • Pre-investment research and analysis that provides a basis for sound property investment decisions, which includes: property asset identification, market evaluation plus an analysis of the advantages, disadvantages and risks associated with each property investment. The individual property investment profile developed through this process can function as a benchmark for on-going performance evaluations.
  • On-going evaluations that provide clients with comprehensive property performance benchmarks both with respect to a particular portfolio and the prevailing market. These on-going property performance evaluations include: current property condition and functionality, investment performance, changes in market conditions and trends, and a re-evaluation of the risk/opportunity ratio.
  • Problem-solving that addresses issues which arise during the investment cycle and includes: an examination of the cause, analysis of the investment strategy, and the identification of available remedial options as well as an evaluation of the associated advantages, disadvantages, and risks.
  • Mediation services that provide a time and cost-effective alternative to litigation, and include: pre-session consultations, formal or informal mediation sessions, and provision of follow-up settlement agreements and documentation.



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